Saturday, April 26, 2008

Celebration of Life

Last Saturday, April 19th was the Celebration of Life Picnic at UAB. This is an annual event for organ recipients, donor families and family and friends. I had been looking forward to the event for a couple of reasons. For one, I really wanted to see a large number of recipients gathered together. I know that there are lots of organ recipients out there but at times it seems as if Nathan is the only one. This gathering reaffirmed to me that he is part of a larger community. It was also really nice to see and meet others who are several years post transplant and who are living full lives. It gives us hope for the future.

It was also a great opportunity to honor the many donor families who were present. Several families brought hand made quilt squares to represent their loved one and to hang on a memorial quilt. It was so touching to hear moms, dads, husbands and wives speak. There were many present who had lost their loved one during the past year. They were obviously grieving for life that was lost far too soon. There was one father who spoke that particularly touched me. His son passed away in November and became an organ donor. He had only recently graduated from college and had married to a wonderful young woman (she was also present). He had been married for a few short months when he lost his life in an accident. This family was obviously devastated. The father spoke about how for the very first time since his son's death he felt a sense of peace from seeing all of the organ recipients living life. It of course did not take away his grief, but he said that it helped to see that his son's life and donation will leave a lasting impact. Hearing stories such as his make me even more thankful for Nathan's donor and donor family. His donor was a 16 year old young man who also lost his life far too soon on Christmas day. Somewhere I know that his family is still grieving. It especially makes me aware of the need to always live our lives in a way that is worthy of the gift of life that we have been given. Of course we should always do that, but this was my reminder. After each of the donor families spoke, butterflies were released into the sky as a way to honor the donors and as a reminder that life is fleeting for each and every one of us.

The picnic was also an opportunity to encourage organ donation and to celebrate life. To see all of the people affected by organ donation, just in our area was very humbling. It truly makes the impact of organ donation real. I hope that we all celebrate life each day. It is not just about those who have received the gift of life through organ donation. It is all of us. For our family, the past few months have made us more aware of the frailty of life. There are things that I could worry about or be stressed about, but I try to stop myself. I think I have a new sense of what is important and what is not. So much of what we fret over is just trivial in the grand scheme of things. I know that for sure. So whether you have been affected by organ donation or not - celebrate life today.

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