Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fun Week!

It has been a busy week at our house! We have had soccer games. Harrison has been at Space Camp. Nathan has lost two teeth. It is only Thursday! I thought that I would share a few pictures with you.

The first pictures are from last Friday when we had severe thunderstorms. The boys were amazed at the hail storm. They wanted to know what was falling from the sky.

They were equally excited to see a rainbow just a few minutes later.

Andrew at his soccer game

The next pictures are of Harrison at Space Camp at the Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville. I had not been there since I was very young, and I had no idea what a wonderful, fun place it is. Harrison had a great time this week and learned a lot. They have a wonderful museum and a lot of rocket displays as well as rides, a climbing wall, an IMAX theatre. I will definitely be taking all of the kids back this summer.

Entering into Space Camp

Harrison at the top of the climbing wall

Harrison's favorite ride - Space Shot

Andrew and Harrison riding a ride

The last pictures are of Nathan. He lost one of his front teeth on Tuesday night.

...and the other on Wednesday night

So, that is our week so far. I hope that you are having a great one as well!



Connie said...

What a fun week! We pass the Space Center all of the time now that we live in Cullman. I've learning a lot about Huntsville. Nathan is growing up. His pictures are too cute. I'm so not ready for Campbell to lose her front teeth. That means she's growing up too. Can't wait to see you guys again.

Anonymous said...

How did I miss the rainbow??? All your pictures were great! You have had an exciting week. Hope you all have a fun weekend, too!
Mandy Duncan