Sunday, June 29, 2008

Deeper Still

I had the amazing opportunity to attend the Deeper Still conference this weekend with Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, and Kay Arthur. All 3 women are amazing Bible teachers. Before the conference, I really could think of a million reasons to stay home. We have been so busy this summer between Nathan being in the hospital, doctor appointments and our trip to St. Louis. Just last Thursday Nathan was diagnosed with bronchitis after having a bad cough for a few days. Most of all I hated to leave him. I really just wanted to stay home. I am tired.

I tell you all that to say that I feel like God intended for me to be there to hear His word spoken. It seems over the last year I have felt kind of dry spiritually. Last summer as the boys were diagnosed with Alpha-1, I found myself in the midst of a spiritual crisis of sorts. I had so many questions – all revolving around Why? I found myself a little angry at God (I hate to admit that). But gradually, I came to a point where I could see and feel God’s hand in our situation. I have come to realize that God is in control of our lives and in order to face each day, our faith has to be in Him and Him only. I have come to know that all of my questions will never be answered and they do not have to be. But lately, I feel more like I have been just going through the motions of religion rather than having a true one on one connection with Jesus. After all, it is not religion that is important but our personal relationship with Jesus. I think the last year has left me kind of at the bottom of the barrel I guess. I needed this weekend to pull me back out and to give me new focus in my relationship with Christ. Maybe it is not the bottom of the barrel that I have been at but instead facing a wilderness season in my life.

Priscilla spoke eloquently from the book of Exodus. It seems that when God most wants to reach us, he places us in the wilderness. Now each person’s wilderness will be different. The wilderness is facing hardship or trial. Being in the wilderness is not fun. The wilderness can be a place where you feel alone, afraid, desperate even. It is hard to think that God places us there on purpose. But, what if that is the only way that God can mold us, teach us. When we are flat on our back, where else is there but to look up? What if during this time of wilderness we place our focus on Him? I wish I could outline for you all she had to say, but I can’t. I came away knowing certainly that I have been facing a wilderness time in my life. I guess I didn’t need a conference speaker to tell me that. But I was reminded that it is during this time that I need to most focus on Him. God has something planned for me (all of us). God wants to reach me (all of us). While I am in the wilderness, I need to “pitch my tent, camp out and don’t miss what God has planned.” Wanna join me in seeing what God can do in your life? Let's go Deeper Still...


Connie said...

Oh how refreshing! I know you are so tired. But it sounds like you had a special meeting with God this weekend. I can tell by your words that your soul has been refreshed.
There is no doubt that God has a special plan for all of you. I'm getting my tent ready and I'm coming to camp out with you, as long as it takes! I love you more than you can imagine!

Anonymous said...


Hey! I saw Stephen at the store this morning and he told me all that has happened since I saw you guys on Christmas Eve... wow! What an incredible blessing to that phone call on Christmas!!!! He gave me the blog address so I could come and read all about it. I told Stephen, that out of the blue, I had a dream about your family about 1 1/2 weeks ago. I woke up in the middle of the night after the dream and spent to time in prayer for you guys (remember I hadn't talked to you guys since Christmas Eve). I thought I was praying for Nathan and the liver transplant, but I prayed for your whole family and especially strength for you and Stephen. Well, it sounds like you needed a time of refreshing and maybe those prayers along with the host of other prayers for you guys from others brought about this time of refreshing for you at the conference. Isn't is wonderful how our God knows just what we need and will even put it on the heart of others to pray for us!!! Just wanted to let you know I'll continue to keep you guys in my prayers and keep tabs on the blog.

Thanks for sharing your story!
