Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Back To School!!

Today was a big day in the Shelton household. Nathan had his first day back at school since he had his transplant. He has been at home since early December. Prior to his transplant, Nathan had been in and out of the hospital and was at home receiving IV antibiotics for an infection before Christmas. We received a call on Christmas day that a liver was available for Nathan. What an amazing Christmas gift! Nathan came home from the hospital on January 4th, and since that time he has been at home. I really kind of liked him being at home. While he was here, I felt like I had some control over what things he came in contact with. I hate to say that I kept him in a bubble, but I kind of did! I have made it my goal to keep him away from crowds and out of public and tried my best to keep everything clean around him. All of that had to come to an end today. But it was time. Nathan was so ready to go back to school. He was very excited today, as you can probably tell by the above picture. He could not wait to see his friends. I think he is probably tired of me pulling the camera out for everything though. It is kind of like when you have a new baby and you want to take pictures of all his firsts. I feel like I need to capture all of Nathan's firsts after his transplant. I did try to get him to take one last picture in front of the school and he quickly said, "No" and covered his head up with his jacket! I guess that was his limit. He didn't want to be seen taking a picture by the front door! I walked him to his classroom and he went right in and started unpacking his bag and talking to his friends. I felt like I was leaving him at big school for the very first time. It brought a mixture of emotions. I am thrilled to death that he is back at school and doing so well, but I also have just a little twinge of sadness that he is back in the real world, a world that I have no control over. It was also a reminder to me that God has blessed us tremendously with three wonderful boys, and it is our job as their parents to guide them and direct them and to teach them about God. But when we do that, we then have to turn them over to God and trust that He will protect them. Today I feel like I let Nathan back into the real world, and now I have to trust and have faith that it is the right time and that God will protect him and keep him healthy and safe. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." I can't think of better words to live by today. I pray these verses for all of my boys as well.

1 comment:

Melinda Shelton said...

The boys look so handsome in their Easter clothes.